Mottahedeh Chinoise Blue Dinner Plate

On order - Usually ships within 7 business days.

Item(s) will be sent packaged in a gift box. Please remember, once enclosed you will be unable to see the contents of the package.

Choose the Gift Wrap

    • Gift Message Only - No Wrapping

      Gift Message Only - No Wrapping


      We would be happy to include a hand written message with your selection. Space is limited.

    • Gold Club Stripe with Gift Message

      Gold Club Stripe with Gift Message


      Simple and classic. Pair with a colorful bowl.

    • Festive Spring Plaid

      Festive Spring Plaid


      One of our top choices. Happy and festive with a hot pink bow.

    • Silver Club Stripe with Gift Message

      Silver Club Stripe with Gift Message


      Simple and classic.

    • Garden Givings with Gift Message

      Garden Givings with Gift Message


      Perfect for birthday and celebrations! Updated florals with a seasonal bow.

  • Want to Add Gift Message Card? (optional)

    • Gift Message

      Gift Message


  • Please check and confirm the chosen wrapping

    Gift Wrap added

    This pattern is derived from 18th century Chinese Export porcelain. The elegant leaf and ribbon borders in gold, cobalt and rust create a subtle yet elegant effect. This service is equally appropriate in a board room, formal dinner setting or for a quiet evening at home.

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